Testing Image Insertion

Not sure how to do wraparound. Not sure how to do wraparound. Not sure how to do wraparound. Not sure how to do wraparound. Not sure how to do wraparound. Not sure how to do wraparound. Not sure how to do wraparound. Not sure how to do wraparound. Not sure how to do wraparound. Not sure how to do wraparound. Not sure how to do…

The Monad Tutorial Fallacy

The Monad Tutorial Fallacy: “ Brent Yorgey captures the problem with many monad tutorials: they start with monads, rather than with concrete examples of the abstraction that monads capture. Dan Piponi’s introduction to monads avoids this pitfall, as does, I hope, my reprise of The First Monad Tutorial, to be presented at YOW! in Melbourne,…

The New Architecture

For those who subscribe to the RSS feed, here is a report on what was and what will be. The Kutachi Project in the last two years has morphed. It has not changed at all in what it is set up to do: discover a vocabulary of new user interface concepts that can display subtle…


I am setting up the Kutachi form and document blog. In theory, posts made here and there will be entered into a hypertext environment automatically. This is a test of that method.

Form of Logic

I now have placed the charter for the “Form of Logic” initiative on the site. You will see it in the navigation banner. I suppose this is the official start. I am working on the Kutachi project material now. That will be one project under the initiative, the one my personal energy will go to.…